Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Thank goodness we (well most of us) have that inner filter to control our speaking.  Can you imagine how rude, insensitive, unfriendly you would be perceived as if all of your thoughts came out?  Oh, come on you know exactly what I'm talking about.

*You walk into a public bathroom and think - DANG it stinks in here!
*You walk past someone whose clothes are suddenly fitting a little tighter.
*A co-worker or friend says something totally stupid, and then corrects them self.

So why don't (most of us) just blurt this stuff out?  Well, I like to think it's because we have been taught better, and we care about other people and a little bit of perception too.  Often times when a snarky, unkind comment bubbles up in my head I try to think of that persons situation.  Maybe the bathroom stinks because the person in that stall is feeling ill today, and I'm sure she is totally embarrassed.  Who knows if the lady you saw with clothes a little too tight is pregnant and not telling anyone because she has lost a baby before. 

My  reflection question is why do we have the kindness and respect for OTHERS to turn on our filter, and yet we don't follow the same rules when "talking to" ourselves. 
I need to work on filtering my self language, how about you?

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